The summer has been filled with talk of television and film changes due to the strikes in the industry. One of the things television brought us was seasonal movies and series. We think of Halloween and all those back to school films and TV series premiering in the fall.
We want to bring your attention to how the fall season affects mobile films in our film festival, because this is news you need to know if you plan to participate this year.
October 19 this year hits the first deadline for our 13th edition of International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego. The Feature Film competition’s regular deadline is October 19. November 19 is the regular deadline for all short films, including the Rookies category.
We were looking at some of years’ past films…yes, can you believe we watch mobile films? We watch the ones you submit and occasionally watch selected films again. We are nerdy like that.
Here is the First Prize winning short film from IMFF 2019 by Blake Worrell, UPEND. We hope this film inspires you to bring your own story to life through film using your smartphone camera. Submit yours to IMFF in San Diego…we want to include your film in our lineup for April 2024.
Watch a short video by the winner of this year’s Best Feature Film, Paralysis, Levi Austin Morris shared with us in 2020, as a participant in our rush to a virtual film festival during the shutdown of in-person events.
Also this fall: October brings the 6th anniversary (or birthday) of the SBP Podcast Mobile Filmmaking, hosted by IMFF Founder Susy Botello to you. In case you missed it, the podcast premiered a new series in the podcast called Fade In To Film with panelists who get together every two weeks to discuss topics on the minds of mobile and indie filmmakers. By the way, new episode 155 comes out tomorrow. Sign up for the podcast newsletter to get an email as soon as it’s released.
We hope you are all staying creative, and turning your stories into films through the empowerment of smartphone cameras. The time is now.
The red carpet is in your pocket™

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