Going back in time to when festival founder Susy Botello presented panels at the San Diego Comic-Con International from 2016-2019, we share a story. A story? Yes, a great story!
As San Diego is celebrating another Comic-Con event downtown San Diego. Once upon a time…
Susy captured and captivated an audience of around 300 attendees during Comic-Con’s film festival programming from 2016 through 2019.

The smartphone filmmaking panel featured a short film shot with a phone each year and shared tips and tricks of proven methods for making films with a phone. Although there was a moderator, the moderator didn’t ever attend. Susy carried the entire panel each year with some filmmaking guests.

Anthony De La Cruz, mobile filmmaker from San Diego, Luis Eduardo Juarez, founder of IndieFone were two panelists Susy brought to the presentation.

Attendees followed Susy outside the presentation room to the lobby after the panel, each year, to get even more–and to thank Susy for an inspiring presentation.
Watch the video (no ads or distractions) that Susy shot with an iPhone during 2019 Comic-Con.
Throughout the recording of the video, people who had attended the panel stopped her to acknowledge her.
Susy was also invited by Neal Hallford of Swords and Circuitry Studios to be a panelist for “Heroes at the Mic,” which was a panel of podcasters sharing their podcasts and advice to attendees who were interested in hosting and running a podcast.

Susy featured the SBP Podcast Mobile Filmmaking during her discussion in the panel.

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